of good and evil is impossible to make. In absolute meaning, good or evil for all time does not exist, but there is a moral evaluation of human actions that change in accordance with the passage of time. Something that Vergil thought was perfectly moral in his time, same is maybe a crime in the eyes of a modern man, or vice versa.
Throughout its history mankind has lived mostly in line with the moral outlook of his time. However, there were always individuals who relativized moral values, and questioned what is actually "good".
This is particularly noticeable in late '60s. Suddenly, a world dominated by money, family, church and tradition is slowly transformed into a horrible monster which is the cause of poverty, violence and war. Men in expensive suits who sit in the church at the same time are the biggest thieves and murderers, at least indirectly.
Part of young people, disgusted by the hypocrisy of the world which is supporting the war and the thieving capitalist system while simultaneously calling on the Bible, decided to go by completely contrary spiritual direction. After all, the forces of darkness have always been like a magnet to attract mischievous spirits. Think of some writers from the era of romanticism that found their rebellious role model in Satan created by John Milton, or a multitude of black Faust who at midnight are waiting for his Mephisto on lonely crossroads to sell their soul in exchange for the art of playing blues. Anyway, blues in the eyes of white conservatives have always been somewhat satanic music. " Hellhound on My Trail," "Me and the Devil Blues," "I'd Rather be a Devil" are just some of the names of blues songs that evoke no discreet mention to monsters of Dante's underworld.
However, the white rock kids went a step further. Under the influence of LSD, and magic literature of Aleister Crowley, as well as writers like E.A.Poe or H.P.Lovecraft, numerous songs and albums are inspired by hell and Satan. Even well-known bands like the Beatles put Crowley’s face in the multitude of "Sgt.Pepper" and Rolling Stones called one of their biggest album "Their Satanic Majesties Request." And not to talk about Black Sabbath ...
They are much more interesting less-known bands that have gone further than mere mention of hell or the devil. Coven recorded even a rite of initiation of new member of the satanic church, and Anton LaVey has recorded the entire mass (okay, he was already a priest of Satan). An interesting version of Black Mass was recorded by electronic genius Mort Garson under the pseudonym Lucifer.
Yet one of the most creepy albums in the history was recorded by the Italian band Jacula. The organ, which seems to originate from the morgue, the voice that speaks strange magic formula, a dark and gloomy atmosphere; listening to this album you feel like you are lost in the labyrinths of hell, and the music itself enhances fear. After Jacula, Antonio Bartoccetti and Doris Norton have launched a group Antonius Rex, which creates a similar style of music. Particularly scary is the song "Devil Letter" from the album "Neque Semper Arcum Tendit Rex."

The same could be said of the group Coven.
The British group Comus didn’t directly flirt with Satan, but the bloody content of their album allowed them to be mentioned in this context. Melodies simultaneously beautiful and terrible, fragile notes captured in eerie meaning of the text - such as scenes of the beautiful maiden stretched under Inquisition wheels - this is the music of Comus.
If Jacula is terrible, and Black Widow and Comus enchants beauty, then Satan and Diciples are comic. Their album is imbued with occult themes, but the music itself does not carry a dose of horror that would make them memorable.
Of course, a fascination with darkness spread throughout the world, so one of the strongest songs about Satan was created by the Mexican group El Ritual ("Satanas").
Many bands, like I said, just superficially touched on occult themes, mostly just in the band’s name (Lucifer's Friend), album names (Bruce Haack - "Electric Lucifer"), or simply cover of the album (Harsh Reality - " Heaven and Hell ").
And so as time went on, a fascination with Satan has remained; it manifests itself in other musical forms. After all, isn’t Satan yet present there where his name does not even mention, where the alleged act upon the word of God? Political meetings, wars accepted by a bunch of fools, the hypocrisy of the church, the monster called capitalism - it is the work of Satan, and the music always played a role of revolt or provocation. Singing about Satan, the young rebels actually provide a mirror to the old generation, and said - "It's you."
Article made by Martin Okun/ 2011
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